My last several clients happened to be IT professionals. I'm starting to think that this is not a coincidence, but a signal that IT professionals need to cope with much more uncertainty and with much more agility than most other fields.
As it is, carers today are so much more uncertain and shifting, with everyone likely to make 2-3 career changes during their lives - at least! The IT world requires even more rapid-cycle nearly constant career transitioning. The pace of innovation and client expectation is super-fast. I'd love to hear from those of you who are in the IT world or who live with someone who is. What have you noticed? What career navigation skills do you think are critical to success as a technologist? I'd also LOVE to have a few guest bloggers on this topic. Let me know if you're interested!
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August 2021
August 2021
Conspire |
MissionWe conspire with mission-driven women to lead, succeed and thrive in their careers, lives and organizations.
VisionIndividuals: We envision women who are enlivened, empowered and emerged. Our members have clarity of purpose and lead from strengths.
Community: We bring communities of women into the practice of seeing each other's strengths and potential. We envision multiplying communities of women-fueling-women's success and impact. World: We conspire to unlock the potential energy & contributions of 51% of the human population. When this potential energy, thought power, and talent is unleashed, we will solve even the most difficult problems and transform the world. |