For a decade, Conspire has grounded our coaching programs for women leaders in our core commitments to 1) nurturing collective resilience (i.e. we need each other to be resilient) so that we can 2) sustain and fully unleash the untapped potential of women in leadership towards solving the world’s most significant problems.
As we enter into our second decade, our coaching practice has evolved along with the coaching field with an even more urgent commitment to deepening our collective consciousness about what Peter Hawkins describes as the “Seven Interconnected Global Challenges: Climate emergency, Air, sea & soil degradation, Loss of biodiversity, Mono-culture & control, Increasing mental distress, Human prejudice, and Widening inequality. We understand the well-documented evidence that investing in women’s education and leadership in all of these areas is one of the key ways we will mitigate harm and create a resilient future for future generations. So as we enter our second decade, we will be even more explicit about being a regenerative, women-centered, coaching practice and we invite all of our stakeholders to hold us to this commitment. A major new initiative is partnering with TreeSisters to support women-led reforestation initiatives in critical eco-systems. Each time you enroll in one of our coaching programs, we will plant a tree via TreeSisters. We invite you to top up this donation whenever you can so that Conspiring Women can stand behind the women who are regenerating the lungs and biodiversity of our planet. Thank you for conspiring together for a decade and here’s to new decade that will reveal our collective ability to rise to this urgent moment. Let’s grow a Conspiring Women forest! More info on TreeSisters below: ------ Why Trees, Why Now? Trees offer humanity one of the most crucial ecosystem services available to us at this phase of our evolution. Currently global warming is threatening all life on Earth. While we figure out how to reduce carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the forests of our world are drawing it down into their roots, branches, boughs and leaves. They are invaluable in helping to cool us down. To provide any viable hope for future generations, we need to replace deforestation with a reforestation revolution. We can't wait for governments to lead the way. Together, we are restoring forests in 10+ major ecosystems including those in Madagascar, India, Brazil, Kenya, and Nepal, Mozambique, West Papua and Cameroon. We plant trees to restore ecosystems and livelihoods whilst increasing protection against the extremes of climate change in multiple regions of the tropical forest belt. We do this in ways that recreate and restore natural forest ecosystems using indigenous species, fostering local knowledge and skills, and promoting women's participation. We strive to do it intelligently, appropriately, respectfully and successfully. Forests play a vital role in the hydrological cycles of our world, sequestering the atmospheric carbon dioxide that is driving climate change. When trees are removed, vibrant ecosystems are often overfarmed, eroded and rendered infertile in a cascade effect that is mirrored with social decline, grinding poverty and climate extremes. Reforestation can rapidly reverse these trends, stabilizing and nourishing the soils, restoring watersheds, revitalizing dry springs and providing good quality water to large populations living downstream. You can read more about our Reforestation approach and our Reforestation Partners on the homepage of our website.
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August 2021
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August 2021
Through coaching, facilitation, and peer coaching and networking programs, we hold a spaces for our clients and members that enable them to connect with, live from, and lead with their full humanity.